Rebecca, Can You Help Me With My Blister?
Lots of people get in touch, asking if I can help with their blisters. Of course, I can. I'm very happy to. Here's what we need to know.
Are blisters inevitable? Sure, they're common. But that doesn't mean they're inevitable. A simple shift in focus away from heat, moisture & friction is needed.
Do Antiperspirants Prevent Blisters?
Antiperspirants have an intuitive effect on blisters by reducing sweat and therefore friction levels. But does research demonstrate antiperspirants prevent blisters?
Full-Shoe Gaiters In Ultramarathon
This article looks at styles and brands of running gaiters, particularly for ultramarathon, including which one's protect against maceration.
Calf Stretch Video Demo - Technique is EVERYTHING!
As a podiatrist, the most common stretch I give people for lots of foot problems (including some blisters) is calf stretches. But technique is EVERYTHING! Watch the video.
6 Popular Ways To Prevent A Back-of-Heel Blister
Back-of-heel blisters are the most common heel blister. Learn how to implement the 6 most popular preventions and find out how they work.
OXFAM Trailwalker Foot Care: The Definitive Guide
Oxfam Trailwalker foot care an important skill to master. Learn more about footwear, socks, blisters, taping and more to help you across the finish line.