Back-to-School Blister Prevention: A Guide for Parents
As the start of the school year approaches, the excitement and chaos of back-to-school preparations are in full swing. New uniforms, school supplies, and, of course, new shoes are at the top of the...

The Magic of the Blister Medic
When I’m treating blisters, it feels like people assume I have magic powers. While I’d like to take the credit, there is nothing special about lancing a blister and putting a fancy bandaid on it. N...

Australian 6-Day Ultramarathon Festival 2024
7 days, 113 foot care episodes (95% blister-related), and the Australian 6-Day Ultramarathon Festival 2024 is done. Records were broken, PBs achieved, a few DNFs, a bit of gastro, kiwis complaining...

Q&A With Adam Inglis of Blister Wool
Blister Wool is the newest addition to our expanding product range at Blister Prevention. So, to introduce you to this 100% Australian product, I sat down with Blister Wool founder, Adam Inglis, to...

Ski Boot Blisters: Painful Reality or Non-Issue?
In this article, we explore the prevalence of ski boot blisters, the factors contributing to them, and what skiers are doing to treat them.

Spenco Insoles Prevent Blisters Under Feet
In 1968, researchers described the “ball-bearing effect” of a new closed-cell neoprene Spenco insole material and found it prevents blisters.

Waterproof Socks Indispensable, But There's a Catch
The only thing that will stop the external water getting in contact with your skin is waterproof socks. But even then there’s a slight catch.