Covid Toe - Not Blisters, More Like Chilblains

Covid toe images

Dr John Campbell gives an update on Covid toe based on the most recent study of the condition. If you're not aware, Covid toe is a chilblain-like lesion that occurs on the fingers or toes. It's also known as pseudo-chilblains. You can learn about chilblains here.

Covid toe images p>

Covid toe examples from

This most recent research (published 5th Oct 2021 in the British Journal of Dermatology) was conducted in France and compared the chilblain-like lesions of Covid toe to normal seasonal chilblain lesions we often see as podiatrists in winter. Even if you're not that medically-minded, Dr Campbell breaks this research down so we can all understand it.

You can subscribe to Dr Campbell's YouTube channel here

What Covid Toe Looks Like

Here's the Covid Skin Signs page if you're looking for photos of this condition.

Covid Toes Are Not Blisters

Covid toe is a chilblain-like lesion caused by the immune response to the Covid virus (not the virus itself). Blisters are a mechanical fatigue to repetitive shear distortion within the skin. They are quite different entities. If you're not sure about what's happening to your toes, please see your doctor, podiatrist or dermatologist.

Other Resources From Podiatrist Dr Ivan Bristow

Trying To Prevent FRICTION Blisters?

I highly recommend Gel Toe Caps and Sleeves. The gel material absorbs blister-causing shear like no other material can. There are many brands out there, from Silipos to ZenToes. Our BlisterPod range of gel toe protectors (caps and sleeves) have twice as much gel as most others, so they'll give you twice the blister protection.

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