Toe blister treatment can be tricky. Toes are small, they’re bony and they sit very close together. They can be bent, twisted, and stiff. They get sweaty, they swell and they rub together.
And they often get jammed into the shoe’s toe box. And that’s to mention nothing of the toenail and the trauma that can inflict!
On top of all this, there’s not a whole lot of room for padding, cushions, wrapping or strapping.
On this page, you’ll discover how to treat toe blisters on toes in 2 easy steps.
A typical toe pinch blister – How would you treat this?
Is the roof of your toe blister:
- Intact – Put an island dressing on it.
- Torn – Apply some antiseptic/antibiotic and cover it with an island dressing.
- Deroofed – Apply some antiseptic/antibiotic and apply either an island dressing, or a hydrocolloid bandage.
Watch the video to learn more.
Treating your blister isn’t enough. You need to get rid of the blister-causing forces. Otherwise, it will continue to hurt and might even get worse instead of better.
There are 7 toe blister locations. Each one has different causes and needs a different prevention strategy implemented during treatment. To discover the best way to do this, click on your toe blister below to open up the relevant page.

Which toe blister do you have?
- Outer pinky toe blistersLearn more here
- Blisters on the top of your toesLearn more here
- Toe tip blistersLearn more here
- Toenail blistersLearn more here
- Blisters under your big toeLearn more here
- Blisters between your toesLearn more here
- Pinch blistersLearn more here
Should you pop your toe blister?
It depends! I go into full detail on the pros and cons of popping blisters and the questions to ask yourself to help you make the right decision for your situation. I also show you how to pop your blister painlessly, in case you need a hand with that. Just remember that, once you have lanced your blister, it is now a torn blister, so treat it accordingly.Learn more here.
What about a blood blister on a toe?
Treating a blood blister is no different to treating a normal friction blister. Just be mindful that the fact there is blood, means there is more likelihood of infection. So antiseptic/antibiotic, dressings, dressing changes and monitoring for signs of infection become even more important.Learn more here.
Should I be worried about my toenails going black?
Black toenails are usually nothing to worry about, unless they look like a dark band. I can show you why they go black, what to do about it if it’s painful, and how to stop it from happening again.Learn more here.
My toenails are really thick – can you help me with that?
Sure can! From helping you understand why, explaining symptoms, the circumstances where you might be able to reverse the thickening, what to look for in a fabulous pair of toenail clippers, to where to get help with your toenails.Learn more here.
I’ve got bunions and hammertoes – what should I do?
I see a lot of bunions, hammertoes and all sorts of toe deformities.Learn more about bunions hereandhammertoes here.
Wrapping Up
If you can determine what caused your toe blister, you can implement the correct blister prevention. Implementing prevention DURING treatment is the ONE THING that will stop your toe blister from hurting, stop it from getting worse, and better still, stop it from coming back again.
For example, is your foot sliding forward and jamming your little toes into the end of your toebox? Do your toes bend over so you’re walking on the tip of them instead of the pad of the toe? Is your toenail thickened or misshapen?
This matters! To really get to the bottom of your toe blister situation, you have to stop “stabbing in the dark”. You need to hone in on the specific cause of your blister. So click on your blister location in step 2 and consider the expert recommended action.
What’s next?
Get Our Advanced Blister Treatment Resource
If you have a history of recurring toe blisters, and especially if you have one now, download the Blueprint today and get a head-start on the most effective toe blister treatment.