This was my second Oxfam Walk. The previous one I did was a few years ago, I was an emergency for someone who couldn't make it and was only given 2 weeks notice to get ready. Without having any time to prepare it was pretty tough. Even though I did finish, my feet had blisters everywhere and I wasn't able to walk for a few days afterwards. This is one of the reasons I wanted to ensure I was prepared as best as I could be. I wanted to enjoy the event and the experience this time and not have each step be painful due to those dreaded blisters.

Just thought I would send you a quick email to let you know how I went on the 100km Oxfam Trailwalk last weekend. I can proudly say that after applying the ENGO Patches and also getting my feet taped by a podiatrist, I finished the event with NO blisters at all! For me, I think using both techniques worked really well. We had an awesome day and were able to enjoy the event thanks to ENGO. I believe that anybody wishing to do the Oxfam walk would be wise to invest in the ENGO Patches as a way to prevent blisters. Thanks for your assistance and I wish you the best of luck. I'll definitely be in touch next year before Oxfam Melbourne 2015.
Peter (Melbourne)
Peter's Oxfam Trailwalker blister prevention strategies
Second time around, Peter made use of the following blister prevention strategies that enabled him to cross the finish line with his feet happily intact:
- Skin adaption
- Taping - Can’t find Fixomull Stretch tape at the pharmacy - you can grab it from our online store by clicking the link below
- ENGO Patches - We’ve also got the ENGO Patches at our online store